What are You Guaranteeing? | TSC HIM & HER Show

Nov 18, 2019, 10:00 AM

Hey everyone, today's episode is from my appearance on The Skinny Confidential HIM & HER Show. Text me what you want to hear next at (949) 298-2905.

Key Moments:

[0:20] What happened before I lost everything

[4:00] I was surrounding myself around the wrong people

[7:50] How I lost over $100 million dollars

[12:28] Consistency is the key to changing your life

[15:25] What happens if I don't meditate

[19:00] What I learned from buying a Ferrari

[23:00] I don't understand how people aren't guaranteeing anything

[26:50] The key to staying in business is staying in business

[30:30] I don't regret any of the mistakes I made

[32:48] Detach your happiness from an outcome

[37:16] Don't just look at your calendar, study it.

[42:13] How did I make everything back after losing it all

Check out Lauryn and Michael on The Skinny Confidential HIM & HER Show: https://tscpodcast.com/