30 Days in November - I'll participate in NaPodPoMo

Season 2019,   Nov 02, 2019, 04:49 PM

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Paul O'Mahony explains what he'll podcast during November. This is all for "NaPodPoMo"

What is NaPodPoMo? (according to website)
The History:
In 2007, 50 podcasters participated in the first-ever National Podcast Post Month aka NaPodPoMo. Created by Jennifer Navarrete as an answer for an audio version to other 30 day challenges happening in the month of November.

NaPodPoMo is a month-long event along the same vein as National Novel Writing Month aka NaNoWriMo. The difference? Well, instead of writing a 50,000-word novel, you podcast every day for 30 days from November 1st-30th.

Use any platform you desire. From full production studio to iPhone app and just about anything in between. The goal of NaPodPoMo is to use the challenge of podcasting daily as a form of podcasting bootcamp.

For some, NaPodPoMo may be their first foray into podcasting. For others, it is a chance to try out a new platform or start another show. There are no hard and fast rules as to how you do this. If on November 30th you have recorded 30 shows, then you win.

What do you get for winning? Isn’t a virtual high five and a sense of accomplishment enough? Oh, all right. Here’s the shiny.
Thanks to Laura Ross aka @flyswatter you will have earned the right to show the world this nifty NaPodPoMo badge on your site. Nice, huh?
At the end of it all who knows what else you will have won. Maybe you will discover a new way to record or a new show format. Whatever happens and however you decide to participate in NaPodPoMo, the key is to have fun.