The Geriatric Mum

Season 1, Episode 1,   Oct 29, 2019, 03:00 AM


Naomi visits her friend Leonie who is pregnant with her second child and is medically considered 'geriatric'.
They discuss: if pregnancy is harder when you're over 35, how best to incorporate a child into your life, the changes to your body after having a baby and, most importantly, which supermarkets will give you free stuff if you go into labour while shopping.

Naomi visits her friend Leonie who is pregnant with her second child and is medically considered 'geriatric'.
They discuss: if pregnancy is harder when you're over 35, how best to incorporate a child into your life, the changes to your body after having a baby and, most importantly, which supermarkets will give you free stuff if you go into labour while shopping.