Out Now Horror Special 2019: Practical Horror Effects

Oct 26, 2019, 04:50 AM

Here comes another 2019 Out Now with Aaron and Abe horror special, and this time it’s focused on practical effects in horror films. Aaron is joined by JoBlo’s Jimmy O, HHWLOD’s Jim Dietz, and Forgotten Films’ Todd Liebenow to talk all about the use of innovation to create amazing make-up, gore, monsters, and other scary visuals in horror features. The group goes over the various years of film to discuss how the use of practical effects has evolved over time, with a lot of time focused on standout figures, artists, and filmmakers who apply. This is followed up with a number of movie selections from each member of the panel representing some interesting understandings of the topic, so any listener can catch up with plenty of fun options that all fall under this banner. So now, if you've got an hour or so to kill…

#Horror #PracticalEffects #MakeupEffects #SpecialEffects #Podcast #HorrorMovies #OutNow #OutNowWithAaronAndAbe #GoreEffects #SplatPack #MonsterMovies #SlasherMovies #StopMotionAnimation #Puppets #TheFly #TheThing #AnAmericanWerewolfInLondon #EvilDead