How Will American Democracy Survive? Walt Whitman and Bonds of Affection

Season 2, Episode 208,   Oct 24, 2019, 09:14 AM

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Bonds of affection in American democracy: did Walt Whitman have insights into what will make American democracy work into the future, or is he hopelessly out of touch with the modern world? Shayna and Chris discuss Whitman’s theology, his vision of the human being, and his vision of human connectedness within the context of American self-governance.

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Here are timecodes to help you navigate through today’s show:

04:26     Chris introduces Whitman’s poem “Song of Myself.”

05:30     Can love and mutual affection hold together a society that aspires to be self-governing? On what could such love and mutual affection be based? How is Whitman’s vision an “American” vision? 

07:00     What are the beneficial aspects of basing American unity on honoring the Constitution? What are the shortcomings? 

9:12        Can a democracy work when animus is the operative spirit? If democracy doesn’t work, what comes next?

10:48     The paradigm for our public life at the moment is professional sports: we choose our team, and aim to defeat the other. What does this paradigm leave out?

18:03     Shayna distinguishes soul from spirit. Do you agree with her distinction?

19:30     Shayna shares her takeaway for today’s show: Maya Angelou’s beautiful words about our need in this world to share connection. Chris’ takeaway is similar: the Whitman vision of spiritual connection is necessary for this American experiment to have a future.