Sentient Twitter Hot-Takes - Literary Loitering 111
Oct 19, 2019, 10:17 PM
The ramshackle paddle-boat on the turbid rivers of culture returns for another meandering;y humorous look at the things that have been happening in the world of books and the arts, and kicking things of this week is Grr Martin’s statement that the Game of Thrones books (the ones that haven’t been published yet), will be longer than the TV series.
We’ll just leave that statement there for you all to ponder and move on …
In other news, Chad Allen has created an audio comic-book for blind people, Turkey have banned a kids book from being sold to anyone under the age of eighteen, Tony Thorne is compiling a glossary of “Brexitspeak”, Jessica Love wins the Klaus Flugge Prize for her picture-book illustration, a man has been jailed for stealing 7000 books from Scottish universities, and more.
It’s a veritable festival of cultural anarchy for your earholes.
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#LiteraryLoitering #TheGeekShow #Books #Novels #TheArts #Theatre #News #Reviews #Podcasts #CulturalAnarchy #Culture #GameOfThrones #GeorgeRRMartin #Television #TV #ChadAllen #Unseen #AudioComic #Turkey #GoodnightStoriesForRebelGirls #FrancescaCavallo #ElenaFavilli #TonyThorne #Brexitspeak #Glossary #HartshornHookProductions #TheWolfOfWallStreet #Flooding #ImmersiveTheatre #TheBunker #Pubs #Theft #ScottishUniversities #JessicaLove #PictureBooks #Illustrations #KlausFluggePrize