Exploring: Love Feigned and Unfeigned (Fragment)

Episode 103,   Sep 23, 2019, 09:42 AM

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Exploratory read through of the fragmentary play Love Feigned and Unfeigned

Exploring: Love Feigned and Unfeigned (A Fragmentary play c.1540 and 1560)
Another fragment - and it's a not so short fragment, a couple hundred lines - and it's a play dancing around ideas of conditional and unconditional love (to God, to your friends, etc...) as well as the motivations of deceit and the pretence of friendship. There's more to mine from this than this recording suggests, it was at the end of a session, we were a bit short and cynical about it - but it's, as ever, a start... there is room to create a framework to fit this within as part of a future entertainment.
You can follow the text by following a link in the notes - I've only found one published edition in the depths of Archive.org, but other publications may be available. https://archive.org/details/collections01malouoft/page/n11
The Irregulars were Liz Cole, Alan Scott, Mark Scanlon and Richard Fawcett with host Robert Crighton.
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