Patrick Rosenstiel, National Popular Vote

Season 1, Episode 2966,   Sep 19, 2019, 07:00 PM

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Suncoast Tiger Bay Club Luncheon; Patrick Rosenstiel, National Popular Vote
The National Popular Vote Interstate Compact uses the electoral college to elect the President by popular vote. The US Constitution mandates that State legislators determine how their electors are chosen… but “how” is left up to each state. With the current system, 48 states use a system counts the winner in that state, but the losing side’s votes don’t count nation-wide. By making every vote matter, Presidential candidates will have to appeal to a national audience rather than the 10-12 swing states. Since 2006, 16 jurisdictions have passed the compact representing 196 of the 270 electors required for the compact to go into effect and elect the president. National expert, Pat “Rosie” Rosenstiel explained National Popular Vote and answered questions from Tiger Bay members.  Photo Courtesy of St. Pete Catalyst. Patrick Rosenstiel#tigerbay #national popularvote  @natlpopularvote @npvic #natlpopularvote