
Aug 20, 2019, 01:00 PM

Episode image

When a hidden survivor of the ptera-attack is accidentally revealed, the staff of Apocalypse Video take it upon themselves to inform the traumatized cinephile on one of the best sequels ever made.

Wonders never cease in the Wasteland...nor do the horrors of that terrible day the Ptera-People attacked...

I'm your host, David Snider, and joining me this week are fellow cinephiles Ryan Caldwell, newly christened co-host Michael Althouse, and special guest, coming to us from her hidden refuge in the store's air vents, Jackie.

That's right; it turns out that Jackie was in the store the day the ptera-people began their onslaught, and unbeknownst to us, she took shelter in the air vents. Unfortunately, she became trapped, and spent a week up there all alone, foraging for food and futilely screaming for help at the oblivious staff below. Of course, we would have helped her sooner, but we couldn't hear her cries for help, as it's store policy to have a movie on at full volume at all times. Sorry about that, Jackie...

Listen as we discuss the long reaching influence of James Cameron's Aliens; Chekhov's Dock Loader; and finally, we pit Ridley Scott and James Cameron against each other as we task Jackie on picking the superior xenomorph flick.

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Until next time...this is David Snider, signing off from Sector 2.