Life is like a game

Season 1, Episode 3,   Aug 20, 2019, 09:30 AM

Episode image
Video games have become a favourite tool for AI researchers to test the abilities of their systems. In this episode, Hannah sits down to play StarCraft II - a challenging video game that requires players to control the onscreen action with as many as 800 clicks a minute. She is guided by Oriol Vinyals, an ex-professional StarCraft player and research scientist at DeepMind, who explains how the program AlphaStar learnt to play the game and beat a top professional player. Elsewhere, she explores systems that are learning to cooperate in a digital version of the playground favourite ‘Capture the Flag’.

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Further reading

  1. The Economist: Why AI researchers like video games
  2. DeepMind blogs: Capture the Flag and Alphastar
  3. Professional StarCraft II player MaNa gives his impressions of AlphaStar and DeepMind
  4. Open AI’s work on Dota 2
  5. The New York Times: DeepMind can now beat us at multiplayer games, too
  6. Royal Society: Machine Learning resources
  7. DeepMind: The Inside Story of AlphaStar
  8. Andrej Karpathy: Deep Reinforcement Learning: Pong from Pixels

Interviewees: Research scientist Max Jaderberg and Raia Hadsell; Lead researchers David Silver and Oriol Vinyals, and Director of Research Koray Kavukcuoglu.

Presenter: Hannah Fry
Editor: David Prest
Senior Producer: Louisa Field
Producers: Amy Racs, Dan Hardoon
Binaural Sound: Lucinda Mason-Brown
Music composition: Eleni Shaw (with help from Sander Dieleman and WaveNet)
Commissioned by DeepMind