Everything Elite 31: TNT Premiere Sells Out, Triplemania, All Out, Stardom, OWE & BTE!

Season 2, Episode 31,   Aug 09, 2019, 03:01 AM

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Welcome to Episode 31 of Everything Elite! This week, AB, Nate and Mike are back to talk about the news this week in All Elite Wrestling and the Elite Extended Universe. This week, AB takes a massive victory lap in predicting AEW on TNT's premiere episode selling out. After that, the gang talks about the next few weeks of TV, where it's going to be, what can we learn from this, and how things might be going forward. From there, they discuss the Road to All Out, including both AEW's participation in AAA's Triplemania and the announcement of the Casino Battle Royale's return to decide a number one contender for the women's champion along with women participating in the match and a tremendous segment on Nyla Rose. From there they talk talent notes, OWE's debut in Toronto, the upcoming Stardom show with AEW talent on it before getting into the BTE recap!

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