"Malcolm's Major Moments", Week of 3rd August 2019 "Three Hospitals and a Wedding"

Season 1,   Aug 03, 2019, 05:19 PM

Episode image
The Power and Pain of "threes"
When I was a youngster I vividly remember my father complaining that bad luck always came in "threes". On that occasion it was the freezer, television and washing machine which all broke down at the same time.

This week the Cox household had its own version of the same phenomenon. The difference being that this was people, not household appliances. On Saturday my son went into hospital via A & E. On Monday my mother went into hospital for a hip replacement. On Tuesday my mother-in-law went into hospital for treatment on an infected foot. All are on the mend, but It's been a bit crazy round here as a result.

For a day or two we had three different relatives in three different hospitals in three different counties. Shuttling between them became quite the art for Penny and I. 

As a result, this week's newsletter is shorter than normal. Please forgive the brevity, but I'm sure you understand. Due to pre-recording a number of posts last week, I have managed to put up material on the usual topics.

Have you been dealing with a set of "threes"? I pray the one-in-three and the three-in-one we worship will bring you strength, comfort and wisdom.

Prayer request

You've guessed it - my mother's continued recovery from hip surgery, my mother-in-law's recovery from her foot infection and my son's recovery from his health challenge. Also, please keep the wedding preparations in your prayers. It's all systems go for two weeks today!

Teaching Day Update

I've made enquiries about using a Quaker meeting hall for the teaching day on Colossians (probably) in Watford on 16 November. Please pray we get the OK to use it if that is God's will. 

Thank you for reading this far, and encouraging me in my endeavours to support our times of quiet with God, our corporate worship experiences, and the effectiveness of our preaching and teaching.

If you know anyone who might enjoy these materials, please send them a link to my website and encourage them to sign up for this newsletter.

God bless, Malcolm