Concluding thoughts at the End of the ECA, Summer 2019

Episode 364,   Jul 30, 2019, 05:33 PM

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"To be a chair is not to be a particular kind of person...they are very different. But what they do have in common, is a love of Triratna, a love of the Dharma and a longing to help..."

The 2019 Summer ECA - European Chairs' Assembly - took place at Padmaloka in the UK.  We are joined by Aryanita from Paris, Vanaraji from Mid-Essex, Jayaraja from Buddhafield and Amrutasiddhi from Nagpur, India, all reflecting on how the meeting how went and what they really valued.

We hear how the meeting included updates on initiatives and projects such as the Young Buddhists, People of Colour, The Buddhist Centre Online, and Sikkha (and more). And we get a flavour of the wide-range of ground covered: from beginning to undertake a strategic review of the ECA's priorities, responses to the recent article in The Observer critical of Triratna, to discussion about Buddhist Action Month and the ecological crisis - as well as the vital benefits of having such a meeting.

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