Tapping Into Your Mom GPS to Release Fear and Anxiety and Give Your Child Support

Jun 28, 2019, 11:00 AM

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Most moms want to be great supportive moms, but how do you do that? My guest today, is an energy healer who believes that to give your kids the support they need, you need to come from a place of freedom. Laura Hackel uses crystal bowl healing sessions, ceramic vessels, and crystals to raise vibrations and assist with healing.

We talk about what all of this actually means and how to be a better mom using “mom GPS,” as Laura calls it. She shares her story of how she found this calling and explains how energy healing, vibrations, and trauma all tie together. This is a fascinating look into looking at life in a different way to benefit yourself and those around you. 

Show Notes:

  • [04:07] Laura majored in computer science, but quickly learned she liked talking to people. She got a job at a startup where she could talk to people. She worked in staffing and ran different departments, but as the company grew she knew she wanted something else.
  • [05:08] Her identity was tied in to who she was at work. She started taking yoga, was gifted a bowl, and started taking classes. She was also asked if she was a potter.
  • [05:43] She gave herself time to experiment. 
  • [06:32] She then met a healer. It was amazing to see what life had opened up. 
  • [07:13] She went to shaman school. 
  • [07:50] Her children challenge the status quo and she is a conflict avoider. 
  • [08:30] She then played the crystal bowls. They all have different tones. The vibration is high and energy that doesn't serve you has to rise up.
  • [09:28] When she plays the crystal bowls for a room of people different amazing things will happen for each person.
  • [09:43] There is high vibration and low vibration energy. If you are angry or ashamed those are low vibration energy switch will stick with you.
  • [10:21] Stuff that happens in our external energy field leads to illness in our bodies if we don't clear it.
  • [10:37] The vibrations will target what needs to leave and some of it will be really old and you don't even know what it is.
  • [11:04] The bowls can help you negotiate through difficult times.
  • [14:10] When you heal a belief you change how you feel about it.
  • [14:54] The whole idea of being a mindful mom is knowing that inside of you you know what your child needs.
  • [16:45] What you think something means causes you to suffer.
  • [18:07] To help other mom's be mindful, you have to be mindful.
  • [22:50] We travel with people whom we've traveled with before and whom we will travel with again. They are our soul family.
  • [25:07] Crystals get to sit in Mother Earth, and they come out with a high vibration. Find a crystal and see what calls to you. Laura keeps crystal in her water bottle.
  • [29:04] Different crystals support different needs. You can put them under your bed.
  • [32:23] Ceramic bowls have a higher vibration, but the ones that Laura makes have a high vibration. She has channeled her intention to heal. 
  • [34:22] Embracing more is a six month to a year process. 
  • [36:03] Trauma gets trapped within us, and we are never free of it until we process it. 
  • [37:16] Trauma can be from anything, even small things in a child's brain.
  • [38:34] When we experience something traumatic our beliefs get flipped on their head. It's easy to get stuck as a victim when something traumatic happens, so work needs to be done to get your power back.
  • [40:15] Our pain can be our gift.
  • [40:37] Do something outside of your comfort zone to get perspective.
  • [41:07] Write down what happens when you get angry about something. Then laugh at how not factual it was. 
  • [42:26] Find a crystal. Try things and see how it feels. Take 10 minutes a day to breath.  

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