Young Turks Hasan Piker
Episode 75, Jun 15, 2019, 05:43 AM
Hasan Piker is the youngest of the Young Turks.
He's one of the most influential progressive commentators in all of social media. His commentaries are shared and seen by millions.
In this podcast extra, Hasan tells Elex Michaelson about growing up in Turkey..
He felt repressed by the Turkish government but then was surprised by the racial realities in America when he moved here for college.
Piker started his popular commentaries in a supply closet & grew them into a viral sensation.
We discuss his 2020 favorites, how to actually pass Medicare for all, and what's a fun night partying with him is like.
Piker recently debated liberal commentator Larry Elder on "The Issue Is:" TV show.
The Issue Is: with Elex Michaelson is California's only statewide political show, broadcast from FOX 11 Studios in Los Angeles. For airtimes and more information, go to
The Issue Is: with Elex Michaelson is California's only statewide political show, broadcast from FOX 11 Studios in Los Angeles. For airtimes and more information, go to