Episode 76 - Discover How To Find Your Better Feeling Place (You Are Stronger Than You Think)
Season 1, Episode 83, Aug 28, 2019, 07:14 PM
Facing challenges and overcoming setbacks is part of doing business. Whether you have the expertise to survive them or not, could mean the difference to success or failure. We Are Women Podcast features revealing conversations that provide invaluable insights into the secrets of success of female masterminds. A must-listen for every entrepreneurial woman.
Julie Cross is a multi-award winning speaker, an author and a masterful storyteller. She has been sharing her inspirational messages, on a variety of stages over the last 20 years.
She has been described as a fun, inspirational entertainer with a thought-provoking and inspiring message that challenges individuals to know for sure that they all have the ability move through the worst of times to find the best of times and celebrate how extraordinary you all really are.
In this interview, Julie explains why the plan is, we are supposed to hurt ourselves when we fall over. The trick is to get up because the fact is you are stronger than you think.
She covers a ton of content in this podcast that will have you realizing that it is okay to set goals, but you must leave room to go with the flow. Especially when life gets messy.
You will be captivated by Julie’s story and be left wanting to hear more about this fascinating woman’s narrative. It is about hurt and taking responsibility to not only cope, but thrive.
Julie Cross is an engaging storyteller who inspires change.
Get in contact with Julie by visiting her website www.juliecross.com.au
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#podcastforwomen #storyteller #juliecross
#podcastforwomen #storyteller #juliecross