Spring-summer shows at Villa Empain

May 19, 2019, 07:14 PM

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Take a gorgeous Art Deco villa, fill it with over 160 works of art by over thirty ground-breaking artists of the 1920s and 1930s and what have you got? Flamboyant, a spectacular show with masterpieces from expressionism, surrealism, futurism, cubism, bauhaus, de stijl, art deco, constructivism and abstraction. This is truly a unique opportunity to see all these pieces at one time since they come from private collections, public collections, galleries and libraries from different cities across Europe. Additionally in the villa's cellars you can discover another exhibition, this one dedicated to the story of Heliopolis, a city that rose from the Egyptian desert by the will of Edouard Empain, a Belgian industrialist, who among other things, was the designer and builder of the Paris Metro. Heliopolis was a dream of his that he made reality. Director of the Boghossian Foundation and Curator of Flamboyant Louma Salamé tells us what it took to organize the exhibition. 

Flamboyant, until 24 August

Heliopolis, until 18 August
