Presbyterian Women Annual Conference 2019 Session 2

May 15, 2019, 02:19 PM

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Presbyterian Women Annual Conference 2019 Keynote Recordings

‘He restores my soul’ (Psalm 23.3)

Around 1,600 women from across Ireland gathered in PCI’s Assembly Buildings in Belfast on Thursday 9 May 2019 for Presbyterian Women Annual Conference. Our keynote speaker for 2019, Helen Warnock, principal of Belfast Bible College, delivered two talks exploring the theme for 2019-20, Restore.

During the afternoon session, she explored Psalm 23 in more detail, and asked us to consider whether we know God as the one who restores; who his restoration is for; and how he restores. In the evening, Helen focused on 1 Kings 19:1-18, and how God’s gentle restoration ushers in purpose to our lives, using the life of Elijah as an example of this.

Both talks are available to listen to below. If you would like to order a CD version of the talks, please contact the Presbyterian Women office on