Episodes #150 & #151-- Favorite Disney Vacation

Apr 07, 2019, 07:52 PM

Episode image

 Today is my 150th podcast! So, to commemorate the moment, its sort of a double length show! I welcome Curt, Gary, and Doug to a roundtable discussion, where we talk about our favorite Disney vacations. Come and take a listen and see if you catch some themes that match with your experiences. We are all different ages, and have experienced Disney in our own ways - and yet there's a common thread about our experiences that keeps us coming back! Enjoy the show.

On the podcast, I mention the Great Disney Scavenger Hunt. Here are my podcasts on that experience:

The Great Disney Scavenger Hunt, Part 1
The Great Disney Scavenger Hunt, Part 2
Wrapup from the Hunt

And here is the complete story in writing: My Blog entry about the hunt