Episode #249 - Dali & Disney

Apr 08, 2019, 01:31 AM

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 Walt Disney and Salvador Dali have an interesting connection, through some time they spent together working on a project called Destino.  Its a fascinating story I wanted to share with you after learning more about it at the Dali Museum.

 Notes:The Dali Museum is located in St Petersbug Florida.  Its a really interesting place with a lot of original work by Dali.

I include some audio clips from the audio tour that was available at the Walt Disney Family Museum.  I use them under the Fair Use Doctrine, and my intent is to hilight the relationship between the men and provide some fundamental pieces to help explain and educate.

I hope you will take some time on your next trip to central Florida to head west and visit the museum - particularly while the exhibit is ongoing. It really is quite good!