A Birthday Surprise
This week’s story is about a florist who had a rather unusual encounter during a delivery.
Visit http://ghost-stories.co.uk to vote for if you think tonight’s tale was adapted from fact or a pure work of fiction.
This is ‘A Birthday Surprise’
Story credit: Jdeschene - https://creepypasta.fandom.com/wiki/ABirthdaySurprise
#GhostStories #ABirthdaySurprise #ParanormalPodcast #SpookyPodcast #ADoYouBelieveInGhosts #HauntedHouse
Music (in order of appearance):
“Deserted City” - Kai Engel (https://freemusicarchive.org/music/KaiEngel/Atlantida/KaiEngel-Atlantida-06DesertedCity)
"Sunray (PON IV)” - Kai Engel (http://freemusicarchive.org/music/KaiEngel/ChapterThree_Warm/KaiEngel-ChapterThree-Warm-03SunrayPONIV)
“Impact Prelude” - Kevin MacLeod (http://freemusicarchive.org/music/KevinMacLeod/Impact/ImpactPrelude_1765)
“Cornered” – Myuuji (https://youtu.be/65d_xK7FEqQ)