Water Souls

Mar 20, 2019, 04:34 PM

Episode image

Geyser Hill reimagined by Kim Rueger. 

"The cyclical sound of the field recording - looping bubbles and drips, rising and falling in random patterns - led me to create this meditation, made solely from the sound of the water itself.

All parts in this piece are sections of the Geyser Hill recording; manipulated, processed, and the entire piece composed in the Borderlands Granular app for iPad. Individual streams (of audio) were then rendered out as multitrack stems and re-mixed in a DAW (Sonar), with a few finishing filter and reverb touches.

Like its sound source, the piece calls on ancient elements, that bubble and float to the surface. Patterns emerge from the patter. Flowing, oscillating drones give rise to whisper-like voices. In the end, the droning spirits fade back into the rattling mist."

Part of the Yellowstone project - see www.citiesandmemory.com/yellowstone for more.