bbcr4 'Sunday' 17/3/19 - Meg Munn Chair National Safeguarding Panel @churchofengland. Contradictions, misinformation and safeguarding fantasy - all in 6 minutes.

Mar 17, 2019, 08:14 AM

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Ms Munn's replies to questions about Mandatory Reporting were fantasy rather than fact. Each can be controverted with evidence. Perhaps the addiction to fantasy is why the Church is in such deep safeguarding trouble. With the BBC providing Ms Munn a 'free pass' to speak such nonsense and therefore control the narrative, things will not change any time soon. 

Ms Munn's 'understanding' is that the CofE already has MR! (i.e. someone has told her it has, but she hasn't checked). Point us to where it is and how it works. You are embracing what you want to believe but cannot prove.

Ms Munn also suggested Church MR, (which doesn't exist) works, but statutory MR (in jurisdictions that have it in a recognisable form) doesn't. Where is the evidence to support this fantasy?  We'll wave you goodbye as you go in search of this safeguarding Yeti, secure in the knowledge 'you may be some time.'