March 2019: IWA Re-Energising Wales Project event: ‘A Renewable Energy Delivery Plan for Wales’ report launch

Mar 15, 2019, 04:18 PM

Episode image

This is the audio recording of the IWA's Re-Energising Wales Project event: ‘A Renewable Energy Delivery Plan for Wales’ report launch which was held in the Radisson Blu hotel in Cardiff on 14th March 2019. Sessions run as follows:

  • Welcome, introductions and purpose of the day: Auriol Miller, Director, IWA (Chair)
  • Keynote speech: Mark Drakeford AM, First Minister of Wales

  • Background to the need for the Re-energising Wales project: Professor Gareth Wyn Jones, Chair, Re-energising Wales Project

  • An overview of key messages from the Re-energising Wales Project Delivery Plan: Shea Buckland-Jones, Re-energising Wales Coordinator, IWA

  • Panel Discussion: Interrogation of the delivery plan:

    • Auriol Miller, Director, IWA (Chair) 
    • Louise Wilson, Co-founder & MD, Abundance Investment
    • Professor Calvin Jones, Deputy Dean, Public Value & External Relations, Cardiff Business School
    • Johnny Gowdy, Director, Regen
      (Includes Q and A session)
  • Factors influencing local and community engagement in renewable energy in Wales: Professor Judith Marquand, WISERD

  • How to protect, promote and achieve scale in community and local ownership of renewable energy in Wales: Jodie Giles, Project Manager, Regen

  • Panel Discussion: A focus on delivery:

    • Hywel Lloyd, Founder, Facilitating the Future (Chair)
    • Jodie Giles, Project Manager (Communities), Regen
    • Rachel Shorney, Stakeholder & Community Engagement Manager, SP Energy Networks
    • Jeremy Smith, Head of Development Strategy Wales, innogy
    • David Jones, Project Director, Marine Energy Wales
      (Includes Q and A session)
  • Break out group discussions: 1. Greening Wales' homes, chaired by Gill Kelleher (SPECIFIC)   
    2. Local and Community renewable energy ownership, chaired by Robert Proctor (Community Energy Wales)
    3. Future-proofing the electricity grid, chaired by Shea Buckland-Jones (IWA) 
    4. Getting smarter (a shift to smarter energy technology), chaired by David Clubb (RenewableUK Cymru)
    5. Getting ahead in Marine energy, chaired by Ian Masters (Swansea University)
    6. Decarbonising heat, chaired by Hywel Lloyd (Facilitating the Future)
    7. Decarbonising transport, chaired by Eurgain Powell (Office of the Future Generations Commissioner for Wales)
    8. Increasing deployment of onshore renewable energy

  • High level feedback from the break out groups

  • Summing up the day to include next steps: Auriol Miller, Director, IWA