Around the bend

Mar 14, 2019, 01:56 PM

Episode image

Elk calls reimagined by Baying Ridges.

"Hearing the calls of the Elk made me think of what it must be like for explorers exploring a completely new and unknown land and never knowing what is coming Around the Bend. 

"Those thoughts then led to thoughts of all of the experiences/emotions such an explorer would experience - monotony, boredom, terror, excitement, thrill, sheer joy, etc. In the piece I used the elk calls as a symbol for the unknown aspect of exploration. The calls were cut up, processed with reverb and several other effects and mixed in with the ambience of the original file and an additional field recording from nature (not the Yellowstone collection), as well as guitar and several soft and hardware synths. 

"The musical inspiration for this was the early 1960s psychedelic era where a song may have “normal” parts before going into a “freak out” section and then back to the “normal” sections. This was to symbolize the boredom and monotony of the explorer’s life which can very quickly turn dangerous and terrifying."

Part of the Yellowstone project - see for more.

Photo by Byron Johnson on Unsplash.