How Much Healthier Would Our Culture Be, If We Could Help Each Other Be More Reflective? Lent and the Wider Culture

Season 1, Episode 14,   Mar 07, 2019, 10:54 AM

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Be Curious. Go Deep. Shed Light.

Today’s show: the counter-cultural practice of Lent (or, for non-Christians, the counter-cultural practices of intentionality, emptying out, and slowing down).

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Here are timecodes to help you navigate through today’s show:

00:56    What is this thing called “Lent?”

01:32    Is a memento mori, a consciousness of our death, morbid or freeing?

03:50    How do intentional practices of creating inward space and receptivity promote human flourishing?

05:48    Shayna talks about Jewish practices that are similar to the Christian practice of Lent.

09:30    Chris and Shayna reflect on the seasons of the Christian calendar. How might it be helpful, in efforts to lead a rich and meaningful life, to tell time in a way that points to spiritual movements of the soul?

11:20    The public witness of Christians: what is being communicated by someone walking around with ashes on their head?

13:00    What about non-Christian, non-religious witness: what might that look like? Is it simply part of human nature to need times of intentional reflection?