De Ad Terra (Down to Earth)

Mar 01, 2019, 10:33 AM

Episode image

Old Faithful reimagined by Kim V. Goldsmith.

"Having worked in radio with a public broadcaster in the days when broadcast packages with sound effects and atmos were the norm, I love working with field recordings and atmospheric sound in mixes that allow us to reimagine the spaces around us. When the opportunity arose to work with the sound of the Old Faithful Geyser in Yellowstone National Park, I jumped at the chance to work with a sound somewhat foreign to me but at the same time I felt connected with, as something primal and spiritual. So much of what happens below the earth is still unknown territory – a place of power and presence.

Using the Old Faithful field recording as the ‘bed’ track, I allowed it to have its dark and light moments in full, underscored with a mix of dark and eerie loops chopped, extended, stretched, panned and layered underneath. There are a couple of deep earth atmospheric tracks used as well to make the mix richer."

Part of the Yellowstone project - see for more.

Photo by Emily Campbell on Unsplash