Heard of the Keto Diet? It was the most googled diet of 2018. What is it?

Episode 8,   Feb 13, 2019, 07:07 AM

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Dr Vishaka Shivdasani who specialises in treating lifestyle diseases such as diabetes, heart disease and obesity via medicine and nutrition weighs in with her insights.

Dr Shivdasani has been writing a monthly column for the newspaper Mint for the past 7 years and is the former vice president of South Bombay Medical Association of Doctors.

Who should follow the Keto diet? Is it safe and sustainable?

Tune in right away!

The second series of #TheMedicinebox delves deeper into the health, nutrition and wellness. The podcast series looks to provide solutions to tackle lifestyle-related diseases and shed light on other health- and wellness-related topics. What is the Keto Diet? What really is fasting and what are its benefits? How harmful are sugar and junk food? What is the best form of exercise? What should one do about obesity? All these questions and more on health, nutrition and wellness are answered here. We host some of the biggest global and Indian names in nutrition and wellness to bust myths, provide solutions and answer the most vital questions in health.