108- New Year, Who Dis?
Who else is feeling this year already? 2019 is going to be our year... Who's with us?
Amy and Lacey are back, refreshed, happy and really talkative.... A LOT has happened over the holiday break. What have we been up to? And who is holding the longest streak already this year?
Plus, Lacey learns a valuable lesson, Amy feels guilty for gloating, and an uncomfortable debate over cake and Taylor Swift! Whose side are you on?
But most importantly, Amy has some big news.... How has she been able to keep this from Lacey?!
We are so excited to kick off another year with you all! Cheers to all of the good things that are yet to come!
Please do us a fav and show some love by subscribing to LLCBH on iTunes and Google Podcasts. You can leave us a rating and a nice comment while you are there too!
Thanks for listening! And happy 2019, everyone!
#holidaybreak #newyear #newthings #resolutions #harrypotter