Farm Aid Special Report Pt 3 encore - Jesse Lewis Choose Love Movement

Dec 30, 2018, 02:00 PM

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Last weekend, we featured an encore presentation of the first two parts of our Special Report from Connecticut's first Farm Aid. Since 1985, Farm Aid has raised more than $53 million to help family farmers thrive all over the country while inspiring millions of people to take part in the Good Food Movement. Today, we'll wrap up with an encore replay of the third segment of our report straight from Farm Aid Hartford on the first day of autumn, where we talked with farmers, organizers, and artists, as well as attending an informative and inspiring pre-show press conference.

Then we're going to catch up with Scarlett Lewis who lost her son Jesse in the Sandy Hook tragedy, and who is leading the 'Choose Love Movement' to expose schools, households, and entire communities to the nurturing, loving benefits of Social Emotional Learning. Stay tunes to learn how you can bring the Jesse Lewis Choose Love Movement into your home or community.