Keyframe 130 - The Big Bad Fox ... // Twin Star Exorcists // Smartphone // ...
Those Goofy Cave People
On this episode of Keyframe, Tucky and Producer Rob attempt to unpick the Academy’s “For Your Consideration” list of animated feature films that are in the running to receive a nomination for an Oscar. Join them as they get wax cynical about the awards, lament the fact that great movies like The Breadwinner and A Silent Voice didn’t get the attention they deserved because Disney/Pixar made a film about a kid who wants to be a musician and that is somehow more compelling than a film about the causes and consequences of bullying or trying to be female in Taliban controlled Afghanistan … breathe …
You get the point.
Anyway, ignoring the fact that many deserving films have historically been almost criminally under-represented simply because they weren’t American or British, this year makes for interesting reading at the very least.
After that it’s time for our featured animations, which this week are the isekai, harem, romantic comedy, fantasy In Another World With My Smartphone, the supernatural stylings of Twin Star Exorcists, and the delightfully, almost subversively charming rural antics of farmyard creatures and their wild frenemies in the wonderful The Big Bad Fox & Other Tales.
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Thanks, and until next time, don't read anything we wouldn't!
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