Why more than 1/3rd of gov ministries don't disclose information?

Nov 30, 2018, 10:27 AM

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Transparency is a basic thing for a democratic state and since India is proud to be both transparent and democratic, the government must take the Central Information Commission's audit of ministries departments seriously. According to the Chief Information Commission's audit more than one-third of government ministries and departments do not disclose basic information about their decision-making process, foreign visits of senior officials, minutes of departmental meetings, transfer policy etc.. All the 2,092 public authorities who are registered with CIC were approached between July and October 2018 with a pro forma, which they had to fill themselves. Overall, 838 of the 2,092 government ministries and departments responded and submitted to this audit. Where it shows about 35% of them have poorly scored on disclosure and only 19% have topped it.