Did Election Commission of India help BJP save crores in tax?

Nov 29, 2018, 09:53 AM

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Imagine a scenario, your boss asked you and your colleagues to prepare a report and submit it within a certain period of time. If you submit the report before time, you get a reward and if you don't, you miss out the chance. Now, after the deadline, you get to know that some of your other colleagues have not been able to submit the report on time including the quite influential colleague. However, only a few days later, you find out that the same colleague has not only filed the report but also likely to get the reward. When you dig deeper, you find out there has been some meddling with the date of report filing and the report is incomplete too. Since your colleague is now also likely to get the reward, you question whether your boss is biased? The boss, however, chooses to remain silent. Now, juxtapose the same scenario to what happened recently with the Election Commission of India, BJP and other political parties