Michelle's bathroom break, Ernie Hudson, Zach Smith news, and more...
Gabe Morency, Corey Parson, and Michelle Serpico open the show with Gabe and Corey questioning Michelle's timing on her bathroom breaks. The gang is joined by famed actor Ernie Hudson to talk about dealing with the wild fires in his California home, and how Los Angeles has found a lot of hype and excitement behind the Rams, Chargers, and of course, the Lakers. Corey breaks the news of Zach Smith continuing twitter barrage against Texas coach Tom Herman, saying Herman wanted to take down Urban Meyer. Michelle's social media update has Corey questioning how Snow White is offensive?
#FNTSY #ErnieHudson #Ghostbusters #California #WildFires #OhioSt #Texas #ZachSmith #UrbanMeyer #TomHerman #BrettMcMurphy