Season 1 Episode 5 – Pillow; Fart;
Fanfics Read: Hogwarts School of Prayer and Miracles (by proudhousewife)
Readers: Stevo, Logan, Roy, Shawn, Brad, Steve, Beth, Chowder Referee: Val
In this Halloween follow up, we begin reading the recently-concluded Hogwarts School of Prayer and Miracles. This was brought to the internet’s attention because a supposed housewife wanted to have her children enjoy the Harry Potter books without any of that nasty old magic or witchcraft. Being the conservative Christian that she is, she re-wrote Harry Potter into a 14-chapter suckfest with way too many made up adverbs and some of the worst characterization coherent fanfiction has ever seen. Enjoy it, enjoyingly! We read up to chapter 8 this time, and will finish it up next week.
Grab the fic and other stuff at