Season 4 Episode 14 – Why All It?

Mar 10, 2018, 04:17 PM

Episode image

Fanfics read: Scooby Doo and the Trip of Lust (by ComicsNix) Severus Snape Professor and Lover (by Comicsnix)

Readers: Stevo, David, Logan, Shawn. Sam, Beth Referee: Val

Okay, okay… we’ll freely admit our folly on this one. We’re going back to our roots. And by “roots” we mean the first horrible fanfics we read in our pre–FNF days – the literary poison that corrupted our souls and set us on this dark path. What better place to start, than with our old friend, storied author Comicsnix. First we destroy the Scooby-Doo mythos in “Scooby Doo and the Trip of Lust” then we ravage Harry Potter AND The Teletubbies in “Severus Snape: Professor and Lover“.

And thus the Misery Cycle begins anew…

Grab the fic and other stuff at