Season 6 Episode 21 – My Immortal, Part 4 ~ stop flaming da story ok

Sep 08, 2018, 12:20 PM

Episode image

Fanfics read: My Immortal (by Tara Gilesbie)

Readers: Stevo, David, Logan, Val, Scout, Mirri, Epidehl, Kutsu Shita, Popesloth, Wolley

Ugh. Ugh ugh ugh. We pick up the second half of My Immortal and split it into three parts, for a total of six episodes of Tara’s epic goffik saga. This marathon was recorded over a total of five hours on Friday, August 17th, 2018, a few days before Stevo’s birthday. What a present for him. Wow.

In this section, we start a bit fresher, before quickly descending back into the purgatory of spelling errors, emo references, and wrist slitting. There’s a lot of people who ended up taking part, so just roll with it and forgive anyone for breaking down and begging to be released from this literary prison.

Thanks as always to our Patrons, friends, and fans!

Grab the fanfics and more at