CCCXII. Back To Hack-frica (Kim Congdon, Keith Carey, Connor McSpadden & Tom Goss)
Luis J. Gomez is joined by Kim Congdon, Keith Carey, Connor McSpadden and a call-in from Tom Goss while he's on the road in California. They discuss the history between Luis and Kurt Metzger as well as a break down of what went on between them during Luis's trip, how Kim handled the situation, post-incident texts, why Tom Goss had to sleep at the train station and plenty more! Support our sponsors! - We're all big Fans of Smokedhoney. If your living in California you should absolutely pick some up. They are hands down the best concentrates available. - Click this link for a free sample pack! Just pay $2 shipping! Use promo code: REALASS for 30% off any of their products! - Use promo code: RAP to get your first shipment for free! Just pay $5 for shipping! Follow the whole show: @KimberlyCongdon, @KeithTellsJokes, @ConnorMcSpadden, @gossgoss6, @LuisJGomez, @RealAssPodcast, @GaSDigital, @IMShannonLee