Traces, Patterns, Calls

Oct 19, 2018, 11:55 AM

Episode image

Reimagined by Anthony Lyons. 

"The original recording of ‘Fireflies and Cicadas at Night’ captured a wonderful sound mass of activity. I became interested in the little moments where discernible rhythms, melodies and sound patterns would briefly emerge from the texture. My response applies spectral and granular processes to the recording to magnify some of these micro details and then re-layers and re-composes with them. The piece begins by isolating harmonics from the original recording – single vertical slithers of sound (like points of Firefly light in the dark). These slithers of sound build into a dense and pulsating sound mass with the unaltered parts of the original recording appearing briefly towards the end."

Part of the Sounding Nature project - for more information, see