
Oct 07, 2018, 04:50 PM

Episode image

Jungle House reimagined by Qush Abdul (leholyghost)

"I’ve always been fascinated with the sounds of nature and for this project, I felt the urge to create sonic entities that has to do with the whole concept of industrialization and a brief statement about the existence of nature in the cycle of life. Currently, I’m working on a collaborative project and it has a similar concept of issues pertaining to the whole existence of beings. 

I started the track with the sample given, manipulated it with effects triggered in automation to stimulate the industrial sound of work and slowly shift the perspective of being in a jungle, forest or in this case the meadow. The voiceover used is from one of my recordings done back when I was doing my diploma in audio production. It fits nicely with the whole concept of the track on how the existence of nature revolves around the cycle of life. The instruments used are mostly electronic samples and plugins and they are created to represent the sounds of animals or creatures in the “meadow”. It is rather dark and tribalistic as I wanted to create the wildlife’s feelings of unhappiness in this sense."

Part of the Sounding Nature project - for more information, see