Schrock for Cock: Episode 1 (Naming Mount McKinley & Ed Schrock)
Season 1, Episode 1, Oct 15, 2018, 12:00 PM
In this our very first episode, we introduce ourselves and let you know what you can expect from this podcast.
Beyond Reproach is a podcast about scandals and scandalousness in government and politics, and sometimes we’re pretty scandalous ourselves!
We discuss our working definition of “beyond reproach” and how it relates to the aim of the podcast. We chat about our nerves, the sound of our voices, and the reason why all of our episodes will feature a vintage drink pairing.
Stephanie’s scandal is the mountain formerly known as Mount McKinley.
Wiki: William McKinley
If not for a mountain, what is President McKinley’s legacy?
Denali’s Name Change Upsets a Senator
If not for a mountain, what is President McKinley’s legacy?
Denali’s Name Change Upsets a Senator
Tux’s scandal is about the rise and fall of Edward Lee Shrock.
To learn more about Beyond Reproach and to get the full show notes, check out our site
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