Episode 35: Vampchick | Malice Afterthought

Sep 26, 2018, 11:32 PM

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In the town of Piehl, Wisconsin three siblings ages 9, 8 and 2 slowly finally opened their bedroom doors. They had been locked in by a plastic zip tie that was wrapped around the final staircase wrung and then their door knob. The oldest of the three girls told the others it was safe to leave. They slowly walked around their house, and saw again the reason why they had been locked in their room. The blood was everywhere and the house was so quiet. They saw the body of their mother lying on the floor stabbed to death. The girls quickly ran upstairs and it was there that the saw for the first time the body of their father, shot twice with a 12 gauge shotgun. At too young of an age the eldest girl was given the protection role over her two younger sisters and she was scared. She was nervous that the killer was still in the house. At the sight of her father she told all of her siblings to run back downstairs into the bedroom. All the girls ran. The went back into their bedroom and closed the door. She told them they would wait until the morning that it should be fine by then.