PW Forum 2018 – Claire Ebbinghaus on Biblical Leadership

Sep 19, 2018, 10:58 AM

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Claire Ebbinghaus has been the Ministries Facilitator at Kirkpatrick Memorial Presbyterian Church since 2015. She supports, both practically and pastorally, all the leaders of Kirkpatrick’s ministries and organisations, including her husband, Christoph, who has been the minister at Kirkpatrick for 15 years.

Claire shared that, "Leadership is the art of motivating a group of people to act towards achieving a common goal. To be a leader, we need to be clear about the goal of our leadership. We need to be clear about what goal we are trying to achieve and how we go about achieving it." That goal for Presbyterian Women is to encourage women to become disciples of Jesus Christ and to grow together as His followers.

In order to achieve this goal, Claire explained that we needed to recognise that "you cannot make disciples if you are not a disciple yourself", and that good, biblical leadership is "about obedience rather than expertise" because Jesus will be at work in us and through us when we are willing and when we are open to Him.