Rj Akki talks about Police warn against ‘Kiki Challenge’ #DelhiPoliceTweet #DisapointPunePolice
"If you dance for #KikiChallenge on the roads, We're sure of making you dance behind the bars!! "Kiki Challenge may get you a Kick of Law not Kick of Dance": the city police are not taking kindly to the trend, and on Wednesday issued a warning against doing it.
The police have appealed to the youth of the city not to perform or encourage such dangerous dance/acts.
"We go to the pune streets and Asked punekar's Do you even know WHO IS KIKI ? Do you appriciate this stunt if someone does this for you ? What punekar's said is real, funny and must listen, here it is :
Social Media : facebook/twitter/instagram - rjakkiiredfm
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