Free Media Died in India

Aug 04, 2018, 07:35 AM

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Free media died today, it died with media stalwarts like Punya Prasun Bajpai, Milind Khandekar were asked to resign & a senior journalist Abhisar Sharma asked to go on a leave from ABP news for the controversy surrounded around their show "Masterstroke" which questioned the Skype call that the Prime Minister of India Narendra Modi had with a women named Chandramani Kaushik from Chhattisgarh, it revealed the reality of Chandramani's claim of income getting doubled in Chhattisgarh's Kanker Chandramani during talk with PM claimed that her income got double after connecting with a Modi govt's policy. Now the prominent questions that arise are, why is the Modi Government trying to shut the views of the press? Why couldn't Arup Sarkar, Chief Editor of ABP News Network retain the channel's editors? Why did they succumb to the pressure put on them by the government? Why is the government trying to lead the country from democracy to anarchy? Mr. Sujit Nair, Managing Editor of HW News Network shares his hard-hitting take on the pressing matter in this Editorial.