Maharashtra Govt wants students to read Bhagavad Gita in college

Jul 13, 2018, 07:01 AM

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The Directorate of Higher Education of Maharashtra has decided to distribute Bhagwadgita in 100 colleges that have received the NAAC's A / A + rating. According to this decision, the Higher Education Director of the Mumbai Region has instructed all non-government aided colleges in the city to get the religious book included. Bhagwatgita, Bible or any other form of religious books shouldn't be something that's forced down to your throat. It should be an individual's choice to read whatever he or she wants. The students come with different perspectives that they have internalised while growing up in pluralistic societies. However, It is ridiculous to make a decision without examining what the students themselves think about it. In the introduction of our Constitution, it is declared that India is a secular country. And there is no official religion, And if any ideology is followed by the government, they can not force the citizen to follow what they believe. The Government of India has some responsibilities. Even though the BJP led ruling government, is working with the right wing ideology, however the government should work according to the principle of the Constitution. The education department of our country has been forgotten, ignored and badly treated by the government. And now the decision taken by the Directorate of Higher Education is likely to give rise to the new controversy. So, do you think that a religious book should be included in a college or school curriculum? do let us know in the comment box below..