Elderly couple from New Zealand have 15 week road trip in NI scuppered - because they can't get insurance - and now find themselves stranded in Glenarm. @nweir1 reports

Jul 04, 2018, 09:28 AM

An elderly couple from New Zealand who'd organised a 15 week trip of a lifetime to Northern Ireland have found themselves stranded in Glenarm after finding out they can't drive here! Alison and Terry Kelso - who have been driving for over 60 years in New Zealand arrived here in April hoping to buy a car, insure it and hit the road. However, their dreams of seeing Terry's family homestead in Banbridge and graves in Mullusk have proved nearly impossible as they struggle to get around on public transport. Even though they are 76 and 84 they can't avail of free transport because they don't live here! Our reporter, Nicola Weir, went to meet them.