THE CITY OF LONDON - (poem for #audiomo Day 27)

Season 2018, Episode 34,   Jun 27, 2018, 03:45 PM

Episode image

The City of London 

Cocktail-shaker for the World

Bridge-builder, fortune-maker

City of greetings, grime and grit

City of tongues

City of preachers, teachers and elephants

City of wars

City of screams and exhibitionists

City of Empire

City of fires, plague and drawing rooms

City of parks, love-makers, trouble-makers, heart-breakers, imperial, ethereal, thirst-slakers, pace-makers, peace-wakers

City of dogs, cats, rats, scavengers and paintbrushes

City of players, symphonic stayers, hyperbolic cares

City of ruins

City of wounds, marches and prayers

City of bubbles, stock-takers

City of pain, disdain, refrain

City of shoes, falafel, matzoh ball soup, chopped liver, peppercorns, cardamom, chillies and curls

City of deaths, debts, resurrections, assumptions

City of refugees

City of the poor

City of the sword

City of slaves, waves, graves, sails


City of the clock

City of time and charts

City of natural history, kings, queens, nobility, futility

City of the blitz and bliss and bits

City of the Underground and flight

City of hiding places, stones, Sherlock Holmes

City of reinventions

City of anonymous burdens

Melody-makers, sacrifices

City of the heat and the Crystal Palace

Harbinger of malice

Brain of the Serpentine

City of masons, Livingstone, Gladstone, earthworms, sculptures,  sepulcres , sceptics

City of songs and eavesdroppers, towers, bowers, superpowers and sour grapes

City of the chrysalis

Bridge-builder, storyteller, seducer of words, fountain pens, notebooks, fish and chips

City of truth, city of factions, city of the Heath, city of smog, city of the Frost Fair

River banker, clangours, Doppelgangers,

City of joy

City of birth, mirth, thirst,

the witty first city

pitiful playground

foundation of the nation

creation and gestation


City of the parties

City of the Open Mind


Broad cocktail-shaker for the World.