17- America the Bilingual Podcast - When a Gap Year Becomes a Bridge Year
Paulina Jedrzejowski was five years old when two airliners slammed into the World Trade Center. She was just a few miles away in Brooklyn and wondered why ashes and bits of paper were floating down from the sky. Despite growing up in an America with a heightened concern for attacks from the outside, Paulina has devoted her young life to helping outsiders. She has lived in several other countries and learned their languages. Hear her story, and the story of a promising trend in America in which young people are redefining what their parents called a “gap” year, into something far more meaningful.
This episode was written by Steve Leveen, our producer Fernando Hernández, who also does our sound design and mixing, and our associate producer, Beckie Rankin. Our brand and editorial director is Mim Harrison. Graphic arts are created by Carlos Plaza Design Studio.
Music in this episode with a Creative Commons Attribution ShareAlike license by (in orden of appearance):
Demoiselle Döner - Rien n'a vraiment changé http://freemusicarchive.org/music/DemoiselleDner/DcapitationdelHydreAlpha/DemoiselleDner-DcapitationdelHydreAlpha-05Riennavraimentchang
Kevin Macleod - Quasi Motion https://exit.sc/?url=http%3A%2F%2Ffreemusicarchive.org%2Fmusic%2FKevinMacLeod%2FGlobalSampler%2FQuasi_Motion
Francisco Penilla - Chicle Bombita https://soundcloud.com/francisco-penilla/francisco-penilla-chicle-bombita
Nctrnm - Friction http://freemusicarchive.org/music/Nctrnm/ACUERDO/Friction111Bm
Lee Rosevere - More on that later https://exit.sc/?url=http%3A%2F%2Ffreemusicarchive.org%2Fmusic%2FLeeRosevere%2FMusicforPodcasts4%2FLeeRosevere-MusicforPodcasts4-08MoreOnThatLater
Lee Rosevere - Sad marimba planet http://freemusicarchive.org/music/LeeRosevere/MusicforPodcasts4/LeeRosevere-MusicforPodcasts4-02SadMarimba_Planet
Komiku - Ambiant wait http://freemusicarchive.org/music/Komiku/TheBingeWatchers_Score1/Komiku-TheBingeWatchers-Score1-16Ambiant_Wait
Demoiselle Döner - La descente by http://freemusicarchive.org/music/DemoiselleDner/DcapitationdelHydreAlpha/DemoiselleDner-DcapitationdelHydreAlpha-03Ladescente
Komiku - Action discovery http://freemusicarchive.org/music/Komiku/TheBingeWatchers_Score1/Komiku-TheBingeWatchers-Score1-12Action_Discovery
Juanitos - Hola hola Bossa Nova http://freemusicarchive.org/music/Juanitos/netBlocVol24tiuqottigeloot/HolaHolaBossaNova