Everything Evolves 23: EVOLVE 104/105 review, Shane Strickland, WWE's effect on EVOLVE's brand

May 22, 2018, 02:05 PM

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The Wrong Boyz are back in action and they’ve brought along a Wrong Girl. Our friend Kara From Twitter (@QaraKoyunlu) joins us as we respond to critiques of our All In talk last week and break down a full and eventful weekend of EVOLVE Wrestling. On this week’s show, we gush about Shane Strickland’s exciting and clearly defined character, discuss a pair of great Keith Lee matches and apologize for another misguided #WrongBoyz prediction. Plus, Kara goes off on us for being mensheviks.

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Read Vladimir Lenin’s “The State and Revolution”: https://www.marxists.org/archive/lenin/works/1917/staterev/